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I’m currently working on the software for the following Luminale Installation:
At the new harbour in Offenbach the historical monument of industry coal crane of the EVO power station will be set in scene with an animated illumination. The LED-based lluminations emphasise the construction, retrace it or blur it in the nocturnal context. These illuminations will be opened for Luminale and then continue to shine at night.
Starting this sunday, here.
I learned a lot about nature and growing food during a permaculture workshop and volunteering at Solitude Farm in Auroville/India.
Corporate Design and Website for Auroville Village Action Group during my stay in India. Support them if you can - I can personally guarantee that every cent is being used (and needed) well!
Concept and project management for a Skisimulator for BMW. More at MESO Digital Interiors.
Screendesign, Concept and Project Management for interactive binoculars for BMW. More (including Video) at MESO Digital Interiors.
Concept, Project Management and Screendesign for various interactive exhibits for the BMWi. More (including video) at MESO Digital Interiors.
Technical Administration and Project Management for an interacitve pavillion for Mercedes Benz. More at MESO Digital Interiors.
Concept and Programming for an experience center for Deutsche Telekom. More at MESO Digital Interiors.
VVVV Beginner Workshop at the Node08 Festival in Frankfurt.