Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
Browse the blog posts containing my work:

JazzIt Club Nights
November 2006

av festival

Trailer for a Jazz Club.

club visuals
November 2006

kon.txt clubvisuals since 2005.

lion king musical
October 2006

Visuals for the the musical “Lion King” in Salzburg.

August 2006

An interactive installation.

organ concert visualization
July 2006

Livevisuals for the “Night of the Organ” in the St. Andrä Church, Salzburg.

July 2006


A generative graphic work about coincidences.

kon.txt trailer
June 2006

kon.txt trailer

Trailer for the visual and video art group kon.txt which I founded with good friends.

kon.txt website
May 2006

Concept, design, programming and content of the kon.txt website.

May 2006

kon.txt cd

Corporate design for kon.txt

schloss cumberland
January 2006


Corporate design for a nursing home.

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