edit kaldor - point blank
Sunday, 15. March 2009

Yesterday evening was definitely one of the inspiring one’s. I went to Point Blank in the Mousonturm with no idea what will happen, expect for some “clever use of software” in a performance. The performance was a girl talking, and showing photos:

“In Point Blank Edit Kaldor invites the 19-year-old Nada to present her large collection of photographs. For years she has been observing people, taking ’spy-photos’ of them, capturing their private moments. The core of Nada”s interest is to trace the various life-strategies that people follow. She wants to map out the options for herself. Driven by this curiosity, she becomes witness to a wide range of - at times excessive - human behaviour.
The performance is an occasion for Nada to structure and analyse her archive of possibilities. Together with the audience she contemplates the images, and looks for the implications and patterns that emerge. She aims to get a comprehensive overview and to reach a conclusion: the vision of a life worth pursuing.”
(from: description)

The combination of voyeurism (photos) and exhibitionism (her thoughts) was frightening and absorbing at the same time, Nada’s goal to find the set of rules for a lucky life is naive and lovely at the same time.
If you have the chance to see Point Blank, don’t miss it!

posted in: art, performance, photography, theatre | comments: 1 comment

1 Comment »

  1. Lustig, Ich hab auch erst redesignt.

    Comment by Georg — March 26, 2009 @ 6:34 pm

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