Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
Rodney LaTourelle
Tuesday, 13. February 2007

Rodney LaTourelle

If you’re in Berlin these days, go out and watch the Rodney LaTourelle exhibition at the Program. Sounds really awesome:
“This exhibition features a large scale, site-specific installation that continues the concerns about relations between colour, space, and the body that have been at the focus of Rodney LaTourelle’s work for many years. The exhibition space is transformed into a labyrinth of coloured rooms and passages that must be navigated by the visitor/participant.”

text and photo found at we make money not art - great blog.

PS: thinking about deleting the two posts between this and the Dan Flavin retrospective - the images are fitting perfectly.

posted in: installation, art, berlin, exhibiton | comments: none

dan flavin retrospective
Sunday, 4. February 2007

The Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich is currently exhibiting a Dan Flavin retrospective. I visited it yesterday, and it’s really recommendable for everyone who’s interested in minimal art, light and colours. How he uses the space and plays with the physical behaviour of the eye really made me a fan of his work. It’s exhibited until the 8th of April, go there and watch it. The entrance fee is just 1 Euro on Sundays. Note to self: renew student id.

posted in: installation, art, light, exhibiton, tip | comments: 1 comment
