Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
on top
Monday, 23. April 2007

15 minutes running… NOW.

posted in: mma, personal | comments: none

sagmeister pt 1
Wednesday, 21. March 2007

Three days in 43 words:
giving birth is better than babysitting / Dear Girls! Please be nice to Reini / Be unstoppable! / Tibor Kalman / A Year with swollen Appendices (Brian Eno) / De Bono’s Thinking Course / If your band would be a car, which car would it be? / We feel fine / humor in graphic design

posted in: design, mma, personal | comments: none

sagmeister workshop
Monday, 19. March 2007

We are enjoying a Stefan Sagmeister workshop this semester. Details are being posted on the associated workshop blog.
Marias Grandma gave her the advice to absolve the upcming internship term at Sagmeister Inc., after she heard a report about him at the local radio. I really like her note:

(translation: Designer from Vorarlberg in New York, doing design for folk music floppy-discs)

posted in: design, mma, personal | comments: none

mma rocks shortsonscreen
Thursday, 1. February 2007

The 2007 results for shortsonscreen are officially released now, and Multimediaart rocked this year’s award.

_ Öberösterreich: “Blutfluss” by Daniel Hollerweger ex aequeo with “Glück” by Laura Nöbauer
_ Tirol: “Auszeit” by Nino Leitner
_ Kärnten: “Lepa Igrica” by Stefan Reichmann (will be filed in my portfolio soon, because I was the camera operator)

_ special price: “An Ecken” by Katharina Mayrhofer and Jasmin Herz

_ honoured: “Salz & Pfeffer” by Rainer Rossgoderer

posted in: mma, video | comments: 2 comments

Virtual FH Salzburg
Tuesday, 14. November 2006

Some guys from Multimediaart made a virtual flash walkthrough through the University of Applied Science, Salzburg. An impressing professional work, created in their first year at MMA! Watch out for Eastereggs :)

Virtual FH-Salzburg

Because of unknown reasons, the FH didn’t make it official. But as you can see, these reasons have nothing to do with the professionalism of this project.

posted in: design, flash, mma, web | comments: 3 comments