Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
urban curators
Monday, 19. February 2007

What a lovely idea:
“The goal of the Urban Curators project is to engage the public in the celebration of the decaying urban environment, recognizing its inherent aesthetic qualities as well as the important role that it plays within our cultural habitat. The project achieves its goal by elevating common, overlooked objects and spaces within the city of Providence, Rhode Island to the level of high art.”
There’s a nice video on the official website
(via de:bug)

posted in: architecture, art, exhibiton, urban | comments: 1 comment

Monday, 12. February 2007


Stamen Design, a San Francisco based agency dedicated to data visualization and technology, did an interesting project in their hometown. Cabspotting is tracking the movement of the yellow cabs in the Bay Area, and showing them live in a visually very attractive way. Furthermore they played with different solutions for longtime observations.

By the way, I recognized Stamen Design because they’re doing very good jobs at digg labs at the moment.

posted in: design, technology, urban | comments: none

tag tool
Friday, 26. January 2007

I’d like to present you a project I really like, from our friends from strukt:
The TagTool is an instrument for livevisuals, which enables the user to draw on a tablet, and use the so drawn elements for visuals. I saw it at the AViT>C23 in Berlin, and it’s really easy to handle. There’s no visible software interface - just 6 faders which are built in a case with the tablet lovingly. The most current documented use of the TagTool was in Linz, where they projected on huge urban objects. Take a look at the video, and don’t miss the last part with the crane!

posted in: architecture, innovation, projection, urban, visuals | comments: none

akarium call
Tuesday, 16. January 2007

Akarium Call is a fascinating light installation in Tokyo, created by Semitransparent Design, 777interactive and Exonemo. The light is controlled by an audio analysis which you can call with your telephone. So you are able to some kind of phone with the whole Omotesando Avenue. A lovely concept in an enormous scope.

via Pixelsumo (one of my favourites!)

posted in: architecture, art, installation, light, urban | comments: 1 comment

city on fire
Wednesday, 10. January 2007

Wow, Thyra Hilden and Pio Diaz create an impressing illusion of burning monuments, by using huge projections. They almost burned down Rome, and are now active in Scandinavia. On their website, they also release some technical information and sketches.

via Todd Vanderlin

posted in: architecture, installation, projection, urban | comments: none

Real-life google maps
Wednesday, 6. December 2006

The project “Map” by Aram Bartholl applies to Google Maps, in a really funny way.
Everyone knows the GoogleMap markers and the simple thing he did, is setting up a real one:

I hope it will be on GoogleEarth one day :)

more pictures and a video on the project’s website

( via )

posted in: analogue, art, installation, urban | comments: 2 comments
