Mainhattan, Bankfurt… you can chose quite stupid names for this city.
The reason for not posting for a while is my moving to Frankfurt, and the so initiated “forgetting my solar powered keyboard in a package and damaging it by pure darkness”.
But thank meso I got an old DIN standardized Cherry now, and they also decided to let me work as an intern. Yeah! I’m going to link their website when they finally renewed them, in the meantime check some of their work here.
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[...] As promised, meso relaunched the website: meso - digital interiors A lot of great humour in the details - as actually expected from people naming nodes after Taxi Driver actors! posted in: personal, web, vvvv, innovation, installation, technology, tip | comments: [...]
Pingback by Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio » new meso website — August 24, 2007 @ 8:30 pm