c.stem 2007 review
Monday, 10. December 2007
Ok that’s a lie. Due to acute lack of time it’s actually not a review, but I can tell you that it’s over and it was great. Turin is a lovely city, and the festival itself had a very personal atmosphere and was on a high level concerning the contents. Thanks a lot for the invitation to Nada and ToDo.
And here some photos of mine, but also have a look at the the official ones!
posted in: culture, exhibiton, installation, interaction, personal, tip, vvvv | comments:2 Comments »
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hi, great to get positive feedback from visitors. I’m writing from Cluster (www.cluster.eu) we were event sponsors. Can we reblog from your blog?
Comment by Marcia — December 18, 2007 @ 11:13 am
By the way I’m really fascinated by your magazine! I’m through the free issues we were given soon; is there a way to order the mag in germany?
Comment by phl — December 18, 2007 @ 5:41 pm