Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
you fuck. we
Friday, 5. January 2007

I’d like to present you a design blog I really like. The guys from “You fuck. We don’t” have developed a wonderful style, which I appreciate more from post to post. Great stuff - coming from France as far is I can see.

By the way, my spell verification didn’t know the word “fuck”… I should blog more about that.

posted in: blog, design | comments: 1 comment

wii damage (update)
Sunday, 17. December 2006

The Nintendo Wii is the most hyped piece of hardware since the iPod, also because of the bloggers’ reactions. Of course it has already been smashed, like any gadget which has been released since the term web2.0 was pronounced the first time.

But I found a website, I really like, although it deals with destruction. Wiidamage.com documents accidents and damaged furniture, provoked by enthusiastic gamers who didn’t follow this simple rule:

So it’s now possible to create stats of the most dangerous Wii games: be aware of bowling!

1. Wii Sports: Bowling (9 hits)
2. Wii Sports: Baseball (7 hits)
3. Wii Sports: Tennis (5 hits)

I just found a similar website: Wii have a problem
(via basic thinking)

posted in: blog, web | comments: 1 comment

architecture installations
Thursday, 16. November 2006

The art-blog vvork has some kind of architecture special right now. The three most actual posts are dealing with this kind of installations in public space.

by Maxime Matray (who had an exhibition in the Fotohof Salzburg in 2003)

“Van de Hoge” by Matthijs Bosman (Breda/NL)

“Nest” by Rahel Hegnauer (Zurich)

Hmm… still some layout improvements necessary.

posted in: architecture, art, blog, installation, web | comments: none

some updates
Tuesday, 14. November 2006

Due to this site is still under construction (the web2.0 expression is beta), I played around a bit with the background. I’m planning to switch pictures, from a pool of generated graphics randomly. Each will be grayscaled, to keep the same look. The current 2-minute-photoshop-artwork has to be seen as placeholder.
Additionally I implemented some small layout improvements.

posted in: Uncategorized, blog, projects, work-in-progress | comments: none

Hello World
Sunday, 13. August 2006

I don’t like these two words very much, but: Hello World.

As a fan of netculture, web-development (some call it web2.0 nowadays) and written words on screens, I’m kind of supposed to have an own blog. I’m starting right now, even if blogging is not the most present trend anymore. But there are things to be told!
Main topics will be work-in-progress articles from multimedia projects, things I found and want to share, and a lot of something I don’t know yet.

You can already see one work-in-progress project: this blog. I’m going to create a nice wordpress theme and add some plugins and features, and will tell you about it. Perhaps you get encouraged to start your own blog too.

posted in: blog, personal | comments: none