A=V Festival, Munich
Monday, 20. November 2006
I just discovered that I missed perhaps one of the most important deadlines in my life. Ok, perhaps that sounds overacted, but it’s really VERY annoying, because this workshop deals with my expected diploma topic in a very advanced way:
Yeah, I’m in:
This intensive 3-day workshop offers a hands-on introduction to interactive systems, based on the sensor technology, developed by Andrei Smirnov for measuring and monitoring human motion, air and water flows, variations in the vibrations of light beams, temperature, different mechanical vibrations etc.
=Participants will learn=
=How to detect any sorts of motion and measure it
=What information could we get and how to deal with it
=Physical and technical details regarding the motion tracking
=Basic principles of operation and construction of the theremin based systems
=Art and music applications of interactive motion tracking systems
=Ways to integrate them in musical performance, dance, video, sound and art installations
=How to perform with them
=Practical result oriented training
=Historical overview of different approaches and applications
Subscription deadline was the 5th of November. Arghargharghargh! Perhaps there’s still a opportunity to get in…
Nevertheless I’m gonna visit this event anyway, sounds really great and I’m really angry I didn’t find their website earlier.