Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
the result of today’s work is…
Wednesday, 23. May 2007

Wow. Analyzing about 2 million words, sorting out the activities (verbs) of special persons and comparing their similarities brought me to this amazing value. Let’s call it the ’similarity ratio’ of Adam and Abraham. (I wish it’d be at least a real float…)

Details and visual interesting results soon. Similar Diversity!

(current feeling: a bit Monty Python with a pinch of galaxy hitchhiking)

posted in: projects, vvvv, work-in-progress | comments: 2 comments

some updates
Tuesday, 14. November 2006

Due to this site is still under construction (the web2.0 expression is beta), I played around a bit with the background. I’m planning to switch pictures, from a pool of generated graphics randomly. Each will be grayscaled, to keep the same look. The current 2-minute-photoshop-artwork has to be seen as placeholder.
Additionally I implemented some small layout improvements.

posted in: Uncategorized, blog, projects, work-in-progress | comments: none

some chaos here
Sunday, 29. October 2006

Because this is gonna become part of my portfolio site which I have to create for internship applications, there will be some chaos here for the next weeks. I’ll be documenting the main activity packages, for those who’re interested.
First step is choosing the most simple Wordpress-Theme i can find, and understanding its CSS hierarchy for changing the style later.

Update1: I found a theme which is not very simple, but similar to my first photoshop sketches. I hope that makes the whole process easier.

Update2: Changing the style a bit was not very hard, but this theme’s disadvantage seems to be the technology: tables are used and the RSS button is not shown in Firefox. Still a lot of work to do.

posted in: design, projects, work-in-progress | comments: 1 comment

vvvv typo games
Tuesday, 15. August 2006

I played around with some typography in vvvv, for a new look for depict. Random scribbled letters are being generated when banged:

Now I’m trying to find an elegant way to add much of them in different greyscales over a whole day, always getting banged if a specific audio level has exceeded.

posted in: depict, vvvv, work-in-progress | comments: none