Peter Piller Archive, People aged 1-100.
A lot of other great collections of newspaper and internet images, like people touching cars or places where something is planned to be build.
Peter Piller
alexander jason
Phrases that crime scene analyst Alexander Jason hides in the black line at the top of his page, January 2010.
high speed imaging shooting high speed video forensic photographer alec jason shooting expert blood spatter expert officer involved shooting force science expert witness shooting cases police officer involved shootings crime scene analyst expert witness police officer involved shooting firearms expert witness wound expert witness shooting firearms expert shooting expert forensic animation crime scene blood spatter expert analysis shooting expert forensic photographer alec jason ballistics expert shooting expert firearms forensic photographer forensic imaging expert force science analyst forensic photography wound ballistics
marion strunk
Marion Strunk: People that look like people without them knowing it. (2000 - 2002)
Robert Barry
Robert Barry, 1969.
Der Transsib. Prospekt
Jochen Gerz - Der Transsib. Prospekt, 1977: Travelling the Trans-Siberian Railroad both ways with a covered window for 16 days and destroying all the traces of the journey afterwards.