Raumlabor - White Spots

Raumlabor - White Spots (2006). Raumlabor choreographed 33 white cars in Stadlheim, Munich, where a prison is situated right next to a wealthy residental area.

Hans Schabus - The Shaft Of Babel (2003)

Hans Schabus - The Shaft Of Babel (2003)
Hans Schabus - The Shaft Of Babel (2003). Over days, Schabus digged a 15 feet deep hole in his atelier and shifted the earth to a pile.

Stephan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll): Cargo Sophia – Berlin

Stephan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll): Cargo Sophia – Berlin. Performance. The audience got into in a freight truck outfitted with audience seats, which took them to places like a parking area for long-distance trucks on the Autobahn, a wholesale market for fresh produce and warehouses.

Pier Paolo Calzolari: La Sveglia (Day after Day. A Family Life), 1972

Pier Paolo Calzolari: La Sveglia (Day after Day. A Family Life), 1972
Series of three performances at the same time: A rose reads a book to another rose. A woman awaits the alarm clock. A child plays the accordion.

Roman Ondak - Resistance

Roman Ondak - Resistance. 20 people were asked to attend to a public event with untied shoelaces.

Sebastian Stumpf - Tiefgaragen (2008)

Sebastian Stumpf - Tiefgaragen (2008)
Unfortunatly I coudln’t find a video of it, this is Bas Jan Ader 3000: In thirteen videos of garage doors closing, Sebastian Stumpf waits in his hide-out behind the camera until he finally jumps into the scene in the last moment and rolls underneath the door.

Dennis Hopper - Dynamite Death Chair

Caleb Larsen - A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (2009)

Caleb Larsen - A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (2009)
This black cube by Caleb Larsen is trying to sell itself on eBay every week. The box checks every ten minutes via it’s Ethernet connections if it is for sale, and if the auction has ended or it has sold, it automatically creates a new auction of itself. If a person buys it, the current owner is required to send it to the new owner. Disconnection is only allowed during transport.