Acrylic on flesh
Tuesday, 16. March 2010

Alexa Meade does it. Applied Mediatheory somehow. Impressive.


posted in: art | comments: 1 comment

I square Malevich
Monday, 15. February 2010

My little brother just discovered rock’n roll is an art student now. Pretty cool, because he makes me get fancy T-Shirts:

Buy yours here.
Be sure to check out more of his stuff! I also really love the Photobooth Self Portraits.

posted in: art | comments: 2 comments

edit kaldor - point blank
Sunday, 15. March 2009

Yesterday evening was definitely one of the inspiring one’s. I went to Point Blank in the Mousonturm with no idea what will happen, expect for some “clever use of software” in a performance. The performance was a girl talking, and showing photos:

“In Point Blank Edit Kaldor invites the 19-year-old Nada to present her large collection of photographs. For years she has been observing people, taking ’spy-photos’ of them, capturing their private moments. The core of Nada”s interest is to trace the various life-strategies that people follow. She wants to map out the options for herself. Driven by this curiosity, she becomes witness to a wide range of - at times excessive - human behaviour.
The performance is an occasion for Nada to structure and analyse her archive of possibilities. Together with the audience she contemplates the images, and looks for the implications and patterns that emerge. She aims to get a comprehensive overview and to reach a conclusion: the vision of a life worth pursuing.”
(from: description)

The combination of voyeurism (photos) and exhibitionism (her thoughts) was frightening and absorbing at the same time, Nada’s goal to find the set of rules for a lucky life is naive and lovely at the same time.
If you have the chance to see Point Blank, don’t miss it!

posted in: art, performance, photography, theatre | comments: 1 comment

Urban Camouflage
Thursday, 5. March 2009

A very lovely project about camouflage and invisibility:

“Urban Camouflage deals with the question how to camouflage
oneself and one’s identity in the urban space. Our costumes are
inspired by the «ghillie suits», the military camouflage suit.”

see videos and more photos on the website

posted in: architecture, art, photography, video | comments: none

Mauritian Sunset
Thursday, 18. September 2008

from Sandy Smith. More of her Computer Installations.
via today and tomorrow.

posted in: art, exhibiton | comments: none

Image Fulgerator
Saturday, 28. June 2008

Julius von Bismarck did one of the most stunning projects I’ve seen for a long time - the Image Fulgerator. He describes as as follows:

“The Image Fulgurator is a device for physically manipulating photographs. It intervenes when a photo is being taken, without the photographer being able to detect anything. The manipulation is only visible on the photo afterwards.
In principle, the Fulgurator can be used anywhere where there is another camera nearby that is being used with a flash. It operates via a kind of reactive flash projection that enables an image to be projected on an object exactly at the moment when someone else is photographing it.”

See the Image Fulgerator, and very irritated people in action:

via rrrr at vvvv

posted in: art, installation, interaction, photography, street art, technology | comments: none

playful spaces
Monday, 16. June 2008

How easy it would be, to make public space more enjoyable, shows the project playful spaces by Bruno Taylor. A little sad that it has to be catecorized under topics like street art and installation, instead of daily life.

read more at Pixelsumo.

posted in: art, installation, street art, urban | comments: 2 comments

Jan Vormann - Dispatchwork
Saturday, 7. June 2008

more on his website.

posted in: analogue, art, urban | comments: none

biggest drawing in the world
Monday, 26. May 2008

Arist: Erik Nordenankar
Title: Self Portrait
Technique: GPS-Tracking
Dimensions: 40.076.592m x 40.009.153m

posted in: art, technology, travel | comments: none

lucy and bart
Wednesday, 21. May 2008

An interesting and amazingly aesthetical mash up of fashion, architecture and body art from Lucy McRae and Bart Hess. Don’t miss the pdf.

via swissmiss

posted in: analogue, architecture, art, photography | comments: none

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