Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
portfolio linklist
Tuesday, 12. December 2006

This is a list of my fellow student’s portfolios. Check out these very nice works! (most Sites are still in beta stadium)
If you aren’t in the list already, contact me (and if you are in, but don’t like that, too)

_ Anger, Corinna
_ Brunnauer, Anita
_ Hacksteiner, Matthias (Blog)
_ Mayrhofer, Katharina
_ Neumayer, Stephan / SAN
_ Ostermann, Julia
_ Palma, Birgit
_ Perchermeier, Lea (Blog)
_ Randelshofer, Stephan
_ Rohrauser, Thomas / Twang
_ Rossgoderer, Rainer
_ Salcher, Stefan
_ Schererbauer, Tobias
_ Wagner, Markus
_ Wippliner, Markus
_ Zacharias, Yvonne
_ Zlattinger, Harald / SPY

to be continued.

posted in: animation, art, audio, design, music, video, web | comments: 1 comment

The McGurk Effect
Monday, 6. November 2006

How much are your ears* influenced by what your eyes see?
Watch the following video with opened, and afterwards with closed eyes - what do you understand?

Most adults (98%) think they are hearing “DA” - a so called “fused respons” - where the “D” is a result of an audio-visual illusion. In reality you are hearing the sound “BA”, while you are seing the lip movements “GA”.


* and of course your brain which deals with the received signals

posted in: audio | comments: none
