Milk In The Morning Light

Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade

Zeger Reyers - Rotating Kitchen

Franka Hörnschemeyer - Same Dice (1989 - ongoing)

Franka Hörnschemeyer - Same Dice. In 1989 Franka Hörnschemeyer set up two huge plasterboards crossing through the whole exhibition space and splitting the room. Sawed into pieces afterwards, the work was exhibited in various constellations since, everytime loosing some chunks through transport and damages.

Alexa Meade - Natura Morta

Alexa Meade - Natura Morta. Alexa Meade paints directly onto the body of real people, making them look like a painting that breaks through reality. More impressive images here. Via

Andy Warhol - Ambulance Disaster (1963)

Andy Warhol - Ambulance Disaster (1963)

Steve Bishop - Cat staring at cat staring at cat staring (2007)

Steve Bishop - Cat staring at cat staring at cat staring (2007). via


Matthias Buch - KULIKUL-KULIEND (2003). Animation film on bills.

Dark Side Of The Moon On NES

Brad Smith - Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon arranged for NES. More.

Filling In City Holes With Lego