Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
Sunday, 21. September 2008

The video of my diploma project is online:

HD version on Vimeo

More details on the project page.

posted in: animation, design, installation, interaction, motiongraphics, projects, s_vvvv, typography, w_motiongraphics, w_visuals | comments: 1 comment

Friday, 12. September 2008

The reason for not posting the last months:

done. more photos.

posted in: book, design, personal, typography | comments: none

Clock by Christiaan Postma
Monday, 28. April 2008

Christiaan Postma created a beautiful typographic clock out of more than 150 induvisual clockworks:

“The word “three” completely appears when it’s exactly 3 o’clock and will then transform again as time passes. The word “four” begins to appear and at exactly 4 o’clock the word “four” is clearly visible. The word “three” is by then totally vanished and no longer readable.”

Best have a look at the fast forward animation here.

posted in: analogue, animation, art, display, furniture, typography | comments: 3 comments

thank you for smoking titles
Tuesday, 2. January 2007

The title design for Thank you for Smoking, created by Shadowplay Studio, is really worth watching it. A nice motiongraphic work, stylistically based on old cigarette packages. Now Stephen Coles from typographi.com did the great work of identifying most of the typefaces used in the spot, and linking them directly to fontshops. Awesome.

posted in: animation, motiongraphics, typography, video | comments: 1 comment