2+1 furniture design
Sunday, 22. April 2007

Nice concept! By sdesignunit.
reminds me of: sketch furniture, sessel

posted in: analogue, design, furniture | comments: none

sagmeister pt 1
Wednesday, 21. March 2007

Three days in 43 words:
giving birth is better than babysitting / Dear Girls! Please be nice to Reini / Be unstoppable! / Tibor Kalman / A Year with swollen Appendices (Brian Eno) / De Bono’s Thinking Course / If your band would be a car, which car would it be? / We feel fine / humor in graphic design

posted in: design, mma, personal | comments: none

sagmeister workshop
Monday, 19. March 2007

We are enjoying a Stefan Sagmeister workshop this semester. Details are being posted on the associated workshop blog.
Marias Grandma gave her the advice to absolve the upcming internship term at Sagmeister Inc., after she heard a report about him at the local radio. I really like her note:

(translation: Designer from Vorarlberg in New York, doing design for folk music floppy-discs)

posted in: design, mma, personal | comments: none

thèse sur la typographie
Wednesday, 14. March 2007

In my opinion the most outstanding piece of recent motiongraphic works! by Julien Vallée.
I love the perfect combination of analogue and digital animation.

posted in: analogue, animation, design, motiongraphics | comments: none

most magazine
Sunday, 18. February 2007


“»most« sees itself as an independent designer-collective, founded in the alps-republic Austria. We are a fistful of design-students working with a lot of pleasure. So we feel the need to show good stuff to others.
Twice a year we will publish the »most magazine« - a pinacotheca for (graphic) design.
Topic of our first issue which will be released at the 16th of March 007 is »UNICUM«. To publish that first issue we need your unique artwork! ‘Cause every magazine is just as good as its content!!”

The most magazine’s concept is quite interesting: folded innovatevely, that it can also be used as a poster. Nicely adapted for the flash website by the way.
Idea and implementation by my skilled mates: Tobé, Flo and THai.
Submit your work until the 25nd of February.

posted in: design, magazine, tip | comments: none

Monday, 12. February 2007


Stamen Design, a San Francisco based agency dedicated to data visualization and technology, did an interesting project in their hometown. Cabspotting is tracking the movement of the yellow cabs in the Bay Area, and showing them live in a visually very attractive way. Furthermore they played with different solutions for longtime observations.

By the way, I recognized Stamen Design because they’re doing very good jobs at digg labs at the moment.

posted in: design, technology, urban | comments: none

info motiongraphics
Friday, 2. February 2007

Having a look at the last few months, there seems to be a trend towards informational motiongraphics with social or political topics. I like it this genre until know, because most of them are very lovely designed and animated. To name some examples:

_ Ozan Halici and Jürgen Mayer from the University of Applied Sciences Ulm/Germany dealt with the power of Google in their bachelor thesis, and visualized it in a nice way: “Masterplan - about the power of Google

_ Clemens Kogler from Linz/Austria also seems to have an affinity to this kind of projects, like his Filmriss winning video “Arbeit2.0” and his newest work “Le grand Content” shows.

(via basicthinking and filmriss)

posted in: animation, design, motiongraphics, video | comments: 1 comment

Pizzicato. 114 ist 441
Tuesday, 30. January 2007

Leni Hoffmann, the recent winner of the Gabriele-Münter-Preis was invited to colorize today’s issue of the Berliner Tagesspiegel. It’s all done analogue at the printing press, so every copy is individual piece. I like the idea, but it’s a bit wimpy from the Tagesspiegel not to release just one picture on their website, so I had to borrow this from Jürgen Siebert (Fontblog/Fontshop).

posted in: analogue, art, design | comments: none

guerilla campaign by axe
Thursday, 18. January 2007

Nice work by an unknown agency:

via ….how advertising spoiled me….

posted in: advertising, design | comments: none

you fuck. we
Friday, 5. January 2007

I’d like to present you a design blog I really like. The guys from “You fuck. We don’t” have developed a wonderful style, which I appreciate more from post to post. Great stuff - coming from France as far is I can see.

By the way, my spell verification didn’t know the word “fuck”… I should blog more about that.

posted in: blog, design | comments: 1 comment

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