Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
Clock by Christiaan Postma
Monday, 28. April 2008

Christiaan Postma created a beautiful typographic clock out of more than 150 induvisual clockworks:

“The word “three” completely appears when it’s exactly 3 o’clock and will then transform again as time passes. The word “four” begins to appear and at exactly 4 o’clock the word “four” is clearly visible. The word “three” is by then totally vanished and no longer readable.”

Best have a look at the fast forward animation here.

posted in: analogue, animation, art, display, furniture, typography | comments: 1 comment

vvvv at the iaa2007
Saturday, 29. September 2007

The IAA is already over for this year, but it’s still worth writing some lines about the impressive Mercedes Benz hall.
Heart of this completely modified hall was the “Carwalk” - a huge (50×15m) LED surface on the floor, where the silver cars were placed on. It was partly fed with interactive content by VVVV, realized by Atelier Markgraph and meso.
The whole atmosphere of the hall was really stunning, also because of a perfect combination of all components like light, interior design and moving images. But the total costs must be beyond my imagination…

Also remarkable was the presentation of Mini, where the Pfadfinderei did livevisuals for the complete duration.
Respect :)

videos sexparade asssex publicboobs hugepussy asiannude preteenbig dicksgirls school Map

posted in: advertising, display, exhibiton, installation, light, motiongraphics, visuals, vvvv | comments: none

ways to deal with public ads (update)
Tuesday, 17. April 2007

The growing amount of public advertising displays leads to creative contact with this medium:

update: the Grafitti Research Lab starts the projection battle.

“In an attempt to broaden the scope of MTA’s video art series, Pixelator takes video pieces currently on display and diffuses them into a pleasant array of 45 blinking, color-changing squares. Since the project is an anonymous collaboration, the resulting video is almost entirely unplanned and unanticipated, with the original artists helping to create new works of art without any knowledge of their participation.(Translation: Pixelator turns those ugly, blinding video billboard ads into art.)”
Obviously influenced by Aram Bartholl’s TV Filter.

The Light Criticism Project by the Anti-Advertising Agency and the Graffiti Research Lab is not very recent, but fits perfect:
“We used black foam core ($10/sheet) cut with a laser cutter - but this project can be done with an x-acto blade, black paper, and duct tape. It can be repeated using any backlit display - bus shelters, display ads or television store windows.”

posted in: advertising, art, display, urban | comments: none

multi-touch applications
Monday, 22. January 2007

Jeff Han’s multi-touch screens were already hyped in blogs some time ago, but now there’s a new video available showing more complex applications for those kinds of displays. One difference is that it looks much more like an whole OS, based on the multi-touch technology, than just particular applications which look cool.

external link

posted in: display, innovation, technology | comments: none