Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
analogue aftereffects
Tuesday, 17. July 2007

A lovely music video from the director Roel Wouters:.

“The video has been recorded live as part of the opening ‘Nederclips’ at the Stedelijk museum ‘S-Hertogenbosch SM’S (Curated by Bart Rutten).The project was commissioned by the TAX-videoclipfonds and an important criteria was that the audience of the opening was be able to witness the whole shoot, another criteria was that it should be added to the exhibition immediately after the shoot was done. So we had no option to reshoot or edit if something went wrong. This made us so focussed that we did better that any of us have could imagined.”

reminds me of analogue website

via vvork

posted in: analogue, music, video | comments: 1 comment

slow prototyping
Monday, 23. April 2007

Yeah, just design and let bees do the work. Interesting project by Tomas Gabzdil Libertiny/Droog Design, and a really nice review by EveryoneForever:

“To me this process is quite similar in approach to generative design where one defines an initial condition (here a vase shaped hive) and decides on a set of design rules (here encoded in the form of the bees’ predictable behaviour) to evolve and/or manipulate the initial input. Then the actual design process begins by applying the design rules iteratively… This project is a very clever transposition of these concepts into a new domain! Bravo!”

reminds me of: sessel

posted in: analogue, art, design | comments: 5 comments

2+1 furniture design
Sunday, 22. April 2007

Nice concept! By sdesignunit.
reminds me of: sketch furniture, sessel

posted in: analogue, design, furniture | comments: none

black spot
Monday, 16. April 2007

Black Spot is a project by Phil Coy:
“The first stage was to obtain a Satellite image of an area - in this instance Hyde Park, London. The second was to pinpoint a single pixel on that photograph and replace it with a black square of Polythene. The third was to take a second satellite photograph of the same area.”

I think he should have called it “dead pixel“…
reminds me of: real-life google maps

posted in: analogue, art, installation, urban | comments: none

thèse sur la typographie
Wednesday, 14. March 2007

In my opinion the most outstanding piece of recent motiongraphic works! by Julien Vallée.
I love the perfect combination of analogue and digital animation.

posted in: analogue, animation, design, motiongraphics | comments: none

real-life cursor
Friday, 16. February 2007

I don’t understand what it’s about, but I like it :)

similar posts: analogue website, real-life google maps

posted in: analogue, flash, web | comments: none

commercials inspired by gondry
Thursday, 1. February 2007

I found a second commercial, dealing with the same principle:

old post:
This Talk Talk commercial is being praised for the good idea. I also like it:
But it’s obviously not the idea from the agency Clemmow Hornby Inge or from the director David Frankham, but from the director icon Michel Gondry.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the conversion from Talk Talk. The choreography is even better, but I think that the source of inspiration should be mentioned.
another blogpost of mine about Gondry | via freshcreation

posted in: advertising, analogue, video | comments: none

Pizzicato. 114 ist 441
Tuesday, 30. January 2007

Leni Hoffmann, the recent winner of the Gabriele-Münter-Preis was invited to colorize today’s issue of the Berliner Tagesspiegel. It’s all done analogue at the printing press, so every copy is individual piece. I like the idea, but it’s a bit wimpy from the Tagesspiegel not to release just one picture on their website, so I had to borrow this from Jürgen Siebert (Fontblog/Fontshop).

posted in: analogue, art, design | comments: none

what a shader
Sunday, 28. January 2007


Real built wireframes by Thomas Raschke. (Perfectly illuminated by the way)
via vvork

posted in: analogue, art, installation | comments: none

Wednesday, 10. January 2007

“Sessel” is described quickly: a chair made of cockleburs by Peter Wehinger.

A fascinating frailty I’ve never seen like this before - it makes me want to touch it.

some kind of similar: mousepad couch | via: vvork

posted in: analogue, art, furniture | comments: 2 comments

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