Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
node08 at vimeo
Saturday, 14. February 2009

The node08 lecture day is about to enter the net. Starting with Paul Prudence’s lecture (dataisnature.com) and performance (this is the last part, with the performance):

I guess there’s a lot more to come. Best subscribe to the node08 vimeo channel.

posted in: design, exhibiton, video, vvvv | comments: none

VVVVisuals Workshop at Elevate
Tuesday, 7. October 2008

I’m doing a workshop about making visuals with VVVV at the Elevate Festival in Graz (A) together with Kathi. If you’re interested in taking part, check out the details here.
On friday, I’m also VJing with kon.txt, looking forward to Dorian Concept and more.

posted in: live, motiongraphics, visuals, vvvv | comments: none

Sunday, 21. September 2008

The video of my diploma project is online:

HD version on Vimeo

More details on the project page.

posted in: animation, design, installation, interaction, motiongraphics, projects, s_vvvv, typography, w_motiongraphics, w_visuals | comments: 1 comment

Friday, 12. September 2008

The reason for not posting the last months:

done. more photos.

posted in: book, design, personal, typography | comments: none

Radiohead’s OpenSource Musicvideo
Sunday, 10. August 2008

You might already know Radiohead’s current video plus the nerdy fact that it’s been done without cameras at all, but different types of 3d scanners. That’s a nice idea so far, and very well done!
Now Radiohead and the producers of the video released the data Thom Yorke’s head is built out of in the video. Yes, and the other scenes as well, in form of 3d coordinates in a bunch of well sorted csv files. A lot of numbers for playing around, hell yeah.
You can access all the information on Radiohead’s Google Code page (that’s actually so much cooler than any myspace site!): http://code.google.com/creative/radiohead/
Of course there is a Youtube Group for the remixes - here. A nice idea is e.g. the Lego version.

via createdigitalmotion

By the way, uva’s Colder video looks quite similar and came across one and a half year before House of Cards.

posted in: animation, design, music, video | comments: 3 comments

digimech mechanical clock
Wednesday, 2. July 2008

Another cool clock found in the web: digimech. Want one!
“Numbers are printed on vertical sliders and only reveal themselves when shifted into perfect alignment with the ‘display box’. When not aligned they look like random, alien forms.”

reminds me of: “clock” by Christiaan Postma
via: technabob

posted in: analogue, design, furniture | comments: none

rainbow in your hand
Friday, 7. March 2008

beauty via swissmiss

posted in: analogue, book, design | comments: none

node08 timetable released
Monday, 4. February 2008

The node08 timetable is out now, and sounds amazing: advanced shader programming, virtual architecture, code your own nodes and more nerdy workshops will be offered. Plus lectures by Casey Reas, Paul Prudence, the VVVV group of course, and many more.
I’m going to give a beginners workshop, together with Katharina Mayrhofer. Workshop language will be English - Austrian or Bavarian just on demand ;)
Tickets avaliable soon, stay tuned.

Have a look at the full timetable here.

posted in: art, design, exhibiton, programming, projection, technology, visuals, vvvv | comments: none

node08 / Frankfurt
Friday, 18. January 2008

There are good things happening in Frankfurt. For example the node Festival, which will take part in April. Lectures, workshops, exhibitions and parties under the topic of digital art. Don’t miss it.

“Over the last 10 years, a community of Artists, Designers, Architects and technically interested people has evolved, thinking and working way beyond common patterns of media applications, looking forward to interpret cutting edge technologies and pushing it to its limits in the contexts of art and commercial projects.

Luminale Logo The hosts of NODE08 have been working in this realm for quite some time now,supporting the keen community with their multi-purpose software tool kit vvvv free of charge. The NODE08 festival provides an event to the ever growing vvvv community, to get to know each other, to present, to exchange and share with a curious and interested audience.”
node08 Website

PS: Casey Reas has just been announced as a speaker.

posted in: architecture, art, design, exhibiton, installation, programming, visuals | comments: none

c.stem 2007, Turin
Wednesday, 28. November 2007

Quick’n dirty:
Similar Diversity is being exhibited at the c.stem in Turin/Italy. C.stem is “an event devoted to the exploration of the applications of electronic systems in cultural and artistic fields”. I’ll be there from Friday until Sunday, if you want to talk nerdy to me, don’t hesitate getting in contact.

posted in: art, design, exhibiton, programming, travel, vvvv | comments: none
