I’m still quite in love with Brooklyn (note to self: scan the photos), and the following video underlines one of the reasons: colorful people.
posted in: culture, urban, video | comments: noneI’m still quite in love with Brooklyn (note to self: scan the photos), and the following video underlines one of the reasons: colorful people.
posted in: culture, urban, video | comments: noneWhy not? As long as it makes fun.
posted in: advertising, urban, video | comments: noneHow easy it would be, to make public space more enjoyable, shows the project playful spaces by Bruno Taylor. A little sad that it has to be catecorized under topics like street art and installation, instead of daily life.
read more at Pixelsumo.
posted in: art, installation, street art, urban | comments: 2 commentsmore on his website.
posted in: analogue, art, urban | comments: noneWow, a totally amazing piece of street art by blublu:
posted in: analogue, animation, art, street art, urban | comments: noneI had the pleasure to fly to Beijing for a MESO project recently. Very exciting city with, believe it or not, lots of Chinese! More surprises caught with my camera:
posted in: personal, travel, urban | comments: none…are definitely worth a visit. Best spots to go so far:
MMK - ugly from the outside, but great collection inside!
Schirn Kunsthalle - nice, changing exhibitions. Currently the “John Bock Films” can be recommended.
Yes, perhaps a strange way of recapitulating past events. But it works.
Being on a public toilet can be quite boring, so I started taking photos of this boring looking doors I was staring at. I’m doing this for about one year now, and I think it’s a good point to release the first “results”. The rules:
- every toilet is photographed when visiting it the first time
- the point of view is authentic and the image is not being composed in any way
- take the time to name the image correctly or you’ll forget the details…
Wow, that’s a really impressive piece of street art. Watch the full version implicitly! Fount at Wooster Collective.
posted in: art, street art, urban | comments: noneThe growing amount of public advertising displays leads to creative contact with this medium:
update: the Grafitti Research Lab starts the projection battle.
“In an attempt to broaden the scope of MTA’s video art series, Pixelator takes video pieces currently on display and diffuses them into a pleasant array of 45 blinking, color-changing squares. Since the project is an anonymous collaboration, the resulting video is almost entirely unplanned and unanticipated, with the original artists helping to create new works of art without any knowledge of their participation.(Translation: Pixelator turns those ugly, blinding video billboard ads into art.)”
Obviously influenced by Aram Bartholl’s TV Filter.
The Light Criticism Project by the Anti-Advertising Agency and the Graffiti Research Lab is not very recent, but fits perfect:
“We used black foam core ($10/sheet) cut with a laser cutter - but this project can be done with an x-acto blade, black paper, and duct tape. It can be repeated using any backlit display - bus shelters, display ads or television store windows.”