Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
cubic tragedy
Monday, 1. January 2007

Ming-Yuan Chuan from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology shows us a very modern version of Picasso’s possible work-in-progress. A nice piece of 3d animation, available in high resolutions.

posted in: animation, video | comments: none

portfolio linklist
Tuesday, 12. December 2006

This is a list of my fellow student’s portfolios. Check out these very nice works! (most Sites are still in beta stadium)
If you aren’t in the list already, contact me (and if you are in, but don’t like that, too)

_ Anger, Corinna
_ Brunnauer, Anita
_ Hacksteiner, Matthias (Blog)
_ Mayrhofer, Katharina
_ Neumayer, Stephan / SAN
_ Ostermann, Julia
_ Palma, Birgit
_ Perchermeier, Lea (Blog)
_ Randelshofer, Stephan
_ Rohrauser, Thomas / Twang
_ Rossgoderer, Rainer
_ Salcher, Stefan
_ Schererbauer, Tobias
_ Wagner, Markus
_ Wippliner, Markus
_ Zacharias, Yvonne
_ Zlattinger, Harald / SPY

to be continued.

posted in: animation, art, audio, design, music, video, web | comments: 1 comment

windy flashgame
Thursday, 23. November 2006

Take a look at Roxik’s portfolio for some fun with wind, flash and physics. A really nice work, watch out for more!

posted in: animation, flash, game, web | comments: 1 comment

trusted computing
Tuesday, 21. November 2006

Trusted Computing is a very lovely made animation film, which deals with this actual topic in a very elegant way. Its content is also about TCPA and Creative Commons.
The visual concept is very nice, and communicates the subject and the author’s opinion in an attractive way:

posted in: animation, copyright, video | comments: 1 comment

Wednesday, 8. November 2006

The very interesting project, tower8, released a debut music video. Great look and fine compositing:
watch video
The website offers additional information like a creators’ blog and concept art stills.

posted in: animation, motiongraphics, video | comments: none

stoptrick back in business
Tuesday, 7. November 2006

Analogue animation found its way back on american TV screens. The series Robot Chicken shows nice and elaborate sets, narratively not always filled with high quality, but most of the time entertaining.
Here you watch what happens when Nintendo’s heroes Mario and Luigi meet Rockstar Games’ most popular setting Vice City:

Thanks for not sueing me for honoring your work.

posted in: analogue, animation, video | comments: none
