Philipp Steinweber / blog and portfolio
my flickr updated
Sunday, 1. February 2009

I recently updated my Flickr with a lot of analogue taken photos from the last half year, including New York, Bremen, Salzburg, Graz, and Frankfurt.

I usually announced posts of this kind with a bunch of thumbnails. But unfortunately my chosen method (a wp plugin) doesn’t work anymore. Any ideas how to insert flickr photos in a blogpost easily? Can’t imagine that I still need a plugin to do that?!

posted in: personal, photography, travel | comments: none

These Come From Trees!
Thursday, 8. January 2009

I recently discovered this little sticker on a paper towel dispenser in a toilet in New York:

It seems to work:

“Testing shows a “These Come From Trees” sticker on a paper towel dispenser reduces paper towel consumption by ~15%”
official website

It worked for me too, I didn’t use one of the paper towels and decided to let the air do the work. I ordered the large sticker pack, so be aware fast food restaurants and shared flat parties.
Please spread the project, and get a bunch of stickers for your neighborhood!

posted in: culture, personal | comments: none

Friday, 12. September 2008

The reason for not posting the last months:

done. more photos.

posted in: book, design, personal, typography | comments: none

wtf is cordoba?
Monday, 16. June 2008

Search krone.at for current interpretations. Great fun! I wouldn’t wonder if there is an own Cordoba category.
Have a nice game everyone.

posted in: personal | comments: none

Wednesday, 4. June 2008

site works again. phew.

posted in: personal | comments: none

beijing impressions
Sunday, 27. April 2008

I had the pleasure to fly to Beijing for a MESO project recently. Very exciting city with, believe it or not, lots of Chinese! More surprises caught with my camera:

posted in: personal, travel, urban | comments: none

sold out
Saturday, 5. April 2008

After a relaxing warm up today, node08’s intense workshop program starts tomorrow. I have the pleasure to host the Beginners Workshop B together with Kathi - if you cannot be there, you can check the nearly live streaming node08 flickr group for consuming some impressions.

Some pictures of the (successfull) Similar Diversity setup can be found here.

posted in: exhibiton, installation, personal, projects | comments: none

c.stem 2007 review
Monday, 10. December 2007

Ok that’s a lie. Due to acute lack of time it’s actually not a review, but I can tell you that it’s over and it was great. Turin is a lovely city, and the festival itself had a very personal atmosphere and was on a high level concerning the contents. Thanks a lot for the invitation to Nada and ToDo.

And here some photos of mine, but also have a look at the the official ones!

posted in: culture, exhibiton, installation, interaction, personal, tip, vvvv | comments: 2 comments

frankfurt’s museums
Sunday, 16. September 2007

…are definitely worth a visit. Best spots to go so far:
MMK - ugly from the outside, but great collection inside!
Schirn Kunsthalle - nice, changing exhibitions. Currently the “John Bock Films” can be recommended.

posted in: art, exhibiton, personal, photography, tip, urban | comments: none

new meso website
Friday, 24. August 2007

As promised, meso relaunched the website: meso - digital interiors
A lot of great humour in the details - as actually expected from people naming nodes after Taxi Driver actors!

posted in: innovation, installation, personal, technology, tip, vvvv, web | comments: none
