Us Now
Wednesday, 29. July 2009

Today film tip: a documentary about the web, new technologies, social networks and their effects on politics and governments.

“New technologies and a closely related culture of collaboration present radical new models of social organization. This project brings together leading practitioners and thinkers in this field and asks them to determine the opportunity for government.

My tip for watching long films like this: bookmark them in a folder or with a tag like “to watch”, and come back to it when you start thinking of watching tv.

posted in: culture, innovation, video, web | comments: 1 comment

look around you
Sunday, 5. July 2009

In case you don’t know… too good!

here’s a playlist

posted in: video | comments: 1 comment

Urban Camouflage
Thursday, 5. March 2009

A very lovely project about camouflage and invisibility:

“Urban Camouflage deals with the question how to camouflage
oneself and one’s identity in the urban space. Our costumes are
inspired by the «ghillie suits», the military camouflage suit.”

see videos and more photos on the website

posted in: architecture, art, photography, video | comments: none

a day in the life of abbey road
Saturday, 21. February 2009

nice idea:

posted in: video, web | comments: none

node08 at vimeo
Saturday, 14. February 2009

The node08 lecture day is about to enter the net. Starting with Paul Prudence’s lecture (dataisnature.com) and performance (this is the last part, with the performance):

I guess there’s a lot more to come. Best subscribe to the node08 vimeo channel.

posted in: design, exhibiton, video, vvvv | comments: none

Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn
Tuesday, 27. January 2009

I’m still quite in love with Brooklyn (note to self: scan the photos), and the following video underlines one of the reasons: colorful people.

posted in: culture, urban, video | comments: 1 comment

commercialized flashmob
Tuesday, 20. January 2009

Why not? As long as it makes fun.

posted in: advertising, urban, video | comments: none

Radiohead’s OpenSource Musicvideo
Sunday, 10. August 2008

You might already know Radiohead’s current video plus the nerdy fact that it’s been done without cameras at all, but different types of 3d scanners. That’s a nice idea so far, and very well done!
Now Radiohead and the producers of the video released the data Thom Yorke’s head is built out of in the video. Yes, and the other scenes as well, in form of 3d coordinates in a bunch of well sorted csv files. A lot of numbers for playing around, hell yeah.
You can access all the information on Radiohead’s Google Code page (that’s actually so much cooler than any myspace site!): http://code.google.com/creative/radiohead/
Of course there is a Youtube Group for the remixes - here. A nice idea is e.g. the Lego version.

via createdigitalmotion

By the way, uva’s Colder video looks quite similar and came across one and a half year before House of Cards.

posted in: animation, design, music, video | comments: 4 comments

playing with time
Thursday, 29. May 2008

Brian Eno and Will Wright (Sim City, The Sims, Spore) talking about generative systems (and playing Spore afterwards). Worth the time!

Video Link (downloadable as mp4, mp3 and pdf)
written summary

posted in: audio, game, innovation, video | comments: none

starlings on otmoor
Monday, 18. February 2008

Very beautiful.

And almost no categories to put it in. I should rethink something…
found in the vvvviki some time ago

posted in: video, web | comments: none

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